From Mark Driscoll's talk at the Gospel Coalition titled "Positives, Negatives, and Neutrals. Watch it here and read his outline here.
I was taking notes on Mark Driscoll's talk, and I figured I might as well post my notes here.
20 Kinds of Negatives:
1. Success Jealousy Negatives - Jealous they're ministry isn't as successful
2. False Witness Negatives - They lie about you
3. Misinformed Negatives - They have been lied to about you and believed it
4. Personal Dislike Negatives - Dislike you for personal reasons
5. Take-Up-Offense-for-Another-Person Negatives - Mad for someone else
6. Missiological Negatives - Disagree on how to engage the culture
7. Single-Issue Voter Negatives - Focused on a single issue
8. Little World Negatives - Only influenced by a small group of people or ideas
9. Chain of Command Negatives - Want access to the top & ignore chain of command
10. Tradition Negatives - Always opposed to change
11. Unforgiving Negatives - Don't forgive regardless of repentance or apologizes
12. Plank-Speck Negatives - Hypocrites
13. Diotrephes Negatives (3 John 9) - Want to be
14. Distrust Negatives - Default to distrust you
15. Control Negatives - Believe that control is the same as influence
16. Critic Negatives - Always have something to critique
17. Warrior Negatives - Looking for a fight - Martyr complex -
18. One-Handed Negatives - Fight over everything (Fundamentalists) or Fight over nothing (liberals)
19. Gossip Negatives - Talk about people not to them
20. Theological Negatives - Disagree theologically
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