Thursday, September 3, 2009

This Blog is Not...

...The Final Word on Anything

I'm a 27 year old who is one year out of Bible college who has only been a student ministry pastor for 5 months. I'm not an authority on ministry. I don't have enough of a ministry history to have any significant successes or failures. 

I'm a beginner processing what I'm learning. 

Really, anyone that thinks they have the final word on anything (when they're not quoting scripture) is over-selling themselves. Most successful communicators/leaders/authors/conference speakers are successful by over-selling whatever their point is. They state it authoritatively as if it's the final word. People who are looking for certainty are drawn towards their authority. The reality is that they may have some helpful insights or strategies, but their point isn't as universally true or useful or guaranteed as they make it sound. I frequently link to blogs and video clips which do this. I post the clips for the nugget of truth, not the over-statement or authority.

Case in point, I just made broad sweeping generalizations about all successful communicators/leaders/authors/conference speakers. To make my point sound meaningful I simply over-stated my point and communicated with authority.

I'm sure I do that all the time. This post is to make it clear I'm self-aware that I'm probably over-stating my case frequently.

...A Full Ministry Strategy

I don't have a full ministry strategy. So it's unlikely I'll be posting one anytime soon.

...Entirely Consistent

I like variety, and I see great value in variety when it comes to ministry. I also tend to see the value and faults in most ministry models. So when I endorse something, I'm not endorsing every last detail of the ministry or person in question. 

So it's highly likely you'll see me endorse ministry models which are somewhat opposed or opposite of one another.  This should be expected.

My desire is to help people do what they've decided to do better. If you want to throw a killer attractional outreach event, I want to help you make it killer. That doesn't mean I'm convinced that is the best way to make disciples in all contexts.


  1. OK, so what's driving this?? We already knew you're not God.

  2. I like this statement:

    "Really, anyone that thinks they have the final word on anything (when they're not quoting scripture) is over-selling themselves."

    And I say that as one who occasionally oversells himself.

  3. I've been fairly cautious of that ever since one of my mentors pointed out the silliness of books which use Christ to give authority to their ideas: "The Way of the Master," "The Gospel According to Jesus." You read those titles and they're very clearly giving a middle finger to everyone who disagrees with their ideas and arrogantly proclaiming they've got it all figured out.

    I don't want to do that. I'm sharing ideas to be helpful and to grow. I'm not sharing ideas because I believe I've discovered THE ANSWER!
