Tuesday, September 29, 2009

25 Lessons From My First 6 Months as a Pastor - Part 2

06) Authenticity Goes a Long Way

People aren't interested in a pretend super-Christian with all the answers. Paul didn't pretend to be a super-Christian. He confessed his struggles openly (Romans 7).

Attempting to be a super-Christian puts unneeded stress on you. I don't need to worry about being someone I'm not.

07) Rest is a Good Idea

I used to be proud of myself for my ability to keep pushing and pushing when things got busy. That strategy worked during college and with ministry internships because I only had to push for a few months. Afterwards it was vacation time.

In full-time ministry the pace never lets up. You can't sustain a rest-free pace indefinitely.

  • I have to be intentional about stopping working
  • I have to be intentional about planning time with my wife
  • I have to be intentional about planning for and spreading out vacations
  • I have to keep an eye on my state physically, relationally, and emotionally to know when to take time off
08) It's Hard to Rest When You're the Leader

Since the work never ends and the pace never slows down, my brain doesn't ever want to shut down.
  • I always have access to my email (via phone)
  • I'm always thinking through ministry ideas and my next talk
  • I'm always pushing to get ahead...though it never happens
  • I want to work when I get home
  • I work on Saturdays
  • I work on my days off
Some of this is because I'm motivated and energized by work. It's also because as the point person for so many things, I feel obligated to keep working.

Rest used to be something I just did. Now rest is a conscience choice.

09) People Who are Older and Wiser than Me are Wiser than Me

For some reason around age 18 I started to think I had all the answers. As it turns out, I don't have all the answers. And there are lot of people with a great deal of wisdom. I've learned to spot these people and listen to them.

10) Bible College Only Prepares You for 5% of What You Do in Ministry

Bible college did a good job of teaching me how to study and apply the Bible. That's a very important part of my job. Unfortunately it's nowhere near my entire job

It didn't teach me to...
  • Perform a wedding
  • Form ministry systems
  • Use photoshop
  • Design a webpage
  • Council a student
  • Deal with a conflict and criticism
  • Plan a small, medium, large, or gigantic event
  • Promote an event
...the list goes on and on.

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