Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Preaching: Outline "The Journey"

With the journey you need to make sure that your audience is going along with you. Therefore, all along the way you have to point to how your audience is like the person in the story.
  • During the introduction the audience should feel a connection to the main character.
  • During the body they should feel like you're giving them the answer to their problem
  • During the conclusion they should feel inspired by the character's transformation
To take them on a successful journey, you need to ask a couple of questions:
  • Where are they now?
  • Where do you want them to be?
  • How do they get there?
  • What obstacles will they face along the way?

A basic sermon outline stripped to it's bones would look like this.

  • Introduce a person who is dealing with a sin, not obedient to God, or not living out their potential
  • Study the appropriate scriptures which if the scripture was applied the persons life would be obtain it's potential
  • Reveal how that person applied the truth
  • Reveal the outcome of the person applying the truth
  • Inspire the audience by casting a vision for what could happen in their lives if they applied the truth
Of course, with this format, you don't want it to feel like a formula or a template. You want it to feel like a journey.

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