Thursday, May 30, 2013

25 Ways To Get Cash In Hand and Increase Income ...for a normal person

Over the last two years, my wife and I have gone from two full-time incomes for two adults to one full time income for two adults and a child.  Therefore, income is down, and expenses are up.

Also, trying to be responsible, we started:

  • College savings account
  • Life Insurance
  • A more fully funded emergency fund

With all that said, we've been looking for little ways to increase revenue and get some cash in hand. We're normal people who do normal things. We don't have a big income.  I'm not a financial counselor. This is just a list of the obvious ways to get cash in hand and increase revenue.

  1. Cash out coins - Coinstar isn't the most cost effective way to do it (that's your bank), but it is fun.
  2. Negotiate contracts - Last week we knocked about $40 off some monthly bills just by calling and asking.
  3. Start a topical blog and put ads on it. - This one takes lots of work to actual work.
  4. Turn a hobby into cash flow - Are you creative? Sell your work at Etsy
  5. Sell your books and DVDs - But be prepared to be disappointed with how much you'll get.
  6. Garage Sale - get your neighbors to join in, and pool your money for advertisements.
  7. Audit monthly services and cut the two least important
  8. Switch from two cars to one - This puts cash in your hand and lowers insurance costs.
  9. Sell jewelry 
  10. Take 2nd job
  11. Take a part time job
  12. Start couponing
  13. Cut cable
  14. Reduce your internet speed
  15. Reduce your data plan
  16. Don't go on a vacation
  17. Ask for a raise
  18. Use your creativity and skills 
  19. Rent out a room in your home
  20. Look for an internet based job at Rat Race Rebellion
  21. Become a Looker (It's someone who goes and looks at eBay purchases for someone far away...I'm sure you were wondering).
  22. Become an online Juror at EJury or Jury Test
  23. Become a Myster Shopper
  24. Become a Market Research subject
  25. Start getting paid to take a survey
BONUS - Participate in medical research studies
10 years ago I was paid $485 to have my wisdom teeth removed, and I didn't pay a penny for the surgery.  I actually could have gone in twice and been paid twice.  Of course, there was a chance that the medicine wouldn't have worked which would have led to a very very bad day for me.

What are your suggestions for adding a little income or getting quick cash?

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