Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Five Articles to Read on Creative Sermons by Dave Ward

I've never met Dave Ward, but I did hear him speak once!

Just about 7 years ago the Bible college I attended hosted a youth retreat.  Dave Ward was the speaker, and I attended most of the worship sessions.  One of Dave's messages stuck with me.  I remembered the  passage, the structure, and the several of the creative elements.  It was just a well crafted sermon.

Jump forward 5 or 6 years, the name Dave Ward had slipped my mind, but the message had not.  Eventually I started trying to track down who delivered the message and maybe even a copy of it.

I'm not sure when I started that endeavor, but I finally tracked down his name this last week.  After a couple of google searches, I discovered he's a prolific blogger/article writer.  One of his favorite subjects (obviously) is preaching. I was particularly interested in several of the articles because he addressed Narrative Sermons, something I'm interested in.

Here are five articles to read on preaching:

Preaching a Narrative Sermon

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