Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to Blogging

When I returned to blogging back in April, I really couldn't have picked much worse of a time to start back up again.  April is only a moderately busy month for me, but that was part of the problem.  By starting in April I was able to get just enough excitement and momentum to find myself in a tricky spot in June and July.  If I had chosen to start in June, I would have promptly stopped, realizing how impossible to launch a blog with no momentum while dealing with far more urgent matters.  But instead I launched it just early enough to fool myself into thinking blogging was worth my while.

Over the last two months I have four separate week long church events.  Three of these events were out of town, and the one in town spanned from morning until late night.  I have literally driven to Florida and back and to the Navajo Nation and back all in the last three weeks.  I played in the ocean and I scaled a wall shooting out of a place called Ship Rock.

All of this makes it very difficult to keep up with a blog.

Anyway, this past Friday I returned from the Navajo Nation, and this return marked the end of my busy Summer season.

Over the next few weeks I should have several week long blog series, book reviews, and other content to start things up again.

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