Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Elephant Room Round Two: Session One - Is There a Future for Denominations? (Mark Driscoll Vs. Jack Graham)

A year and a half ago, The Elephant Room Round 2 caused a rather large controversy when T.D. Jakes was invited to join the conversation.  I never really understood the controversy, but some people I respect have given me some perspective.

Anyway, in the age of the internet, it's only matter of time before things are posted online for all to see, and that appears to be the case with the Elephant Room Round 2.

Someone posted the sessions on Vimeo for all to see.

Session One:  Jack Graham Vs. Mark Driscoll.

Is there a future for denominations? Will networks simply replace them or will they reinvent themselves?

CLICK HERE to watch session one.

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