Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is There a Non-God Explanation for Your Church's Growth?

A friend of mine once commented on the success of one of the largest churches in the country by saying, "It's not difficult to understand why they're growing, and it's not because of God. It's because they have the best program in the country. Who wouldn't want to see it?" I personally don't like to say what God isn't doing with authority, but he made a very good observation. There is a totally reasonable non-God explanation for why some churches experience explosive growth.

This raises a really good question:

Is there a non-God explanation for my ministry?

So often what happens in our ministry can be explained with with non-god explanations.
  • If you use modern business, marketing, and branding techniques, there is a non-God explanation for why your ministry is growing.
  • If you use pop psychology and practical wisdom in your teaching and offer small groups which offer accountability, there is a non- God explanation for why people's lives are "changed."
  • If your children's ministry put's Chuck E. Cheese to shame, there is a non-God explanation for why families with kids are showing up week after week.
  • If you're known for your innovative, creative, off-the-wall illustrations, there is a non-God explanation for why people keep showing up to see what you're going to do next.
  • If you're using music to intentionally work emotions, there is non-God explanation for why large numbers of people "put their faith in Christ" at your church.   (The quotes mean I am referring to people INDICATING they put their faith in Christ not ACTUALLY put their faith in Christ)
I struggle with what to do with this observation. I don't have any problem with learning from successful business and marketing practices (I read a lot of leadership and marketing books), and Jesus led a ministry which was often attractional. 

I think we need to stop and consider if we're running a ministry which just believes in God or a ministry which is powered and led by God. 

Here's another question which we should be asking ourselves:

Is there anything going on in my ministry which can only be explained by God?

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