recently asked this question in reference to a program they were starting. It's a such a simple sentiment, but it has such profound meaning.
I heard a sermon by the pastor of a church on the University of Texas campus, Denny Henderson, put it this way, "Would the University of Texas mourn if our church shut the doors?"
Consider the words of Peter:
1 Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
We spend most of our time either catering to our members or pandering to the lost. We don't spend nearly enough time being a true blessing to our community.
In the gospels, Jesus' is constantly seen being a blessing to the people around Him. His blessings came in many forms.
- Turing water into wine
- Giving a blind man site
- Healing a paralytic
- Feeding hungry families
Whether healing the sick or helping some friends throw a good party, Jesus was a blessing to the people around Him.
Would anyone notice if your church ceased to exist?
Would the community mourn if it shut its' doors?
Are you a blessing to your community?
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