Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who to Recruit - Part 2 - The Wise

 Yesterday I wrote on how I try to recruit young volunteers and leaders. They're energetic, looking to make a difference, and often eager to learn. Today, we move in the opposite direction and look at the wise.

Who to Recruit? - The Wise - Part 2 of 4

Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
  • The Proverbs are clear that you're a fool if all you do is listen to yourself.
  • I need leaders who are older and more experienced than myself so that I can learn from them.
  • What we're doing is too important to repeat mistakes because we're too foolish to recruit experienced volunteers and adults
Proverbs 19:20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.
  • Another reason we need to recruit wise leaders is that we need to be instructed on how to be wise. The assumption is that we're not wise yet, but exposure to the wise can help us to one day be wise.
Proverbs 24:5
A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength;
  • If you want a strong ministry, you need wise leaders
  • If you want a powerful ministry, you need wise leaders.
  • Raw talent and energy may spark quick success, but without wisdom, trouble will follow.
So Who are the Wise?

Parents Who Get It

  • A godly parent of a high schooler has been training their child in righteousness for 14 years. That's a lot of experience which can be brought to a ministry.
  • Parents can provide you unique insight into what is going on with your students. 
  • They bridge the gap between the home and the ministry.
  • They can also tell you when students don’t get what you’re doing.
People Much Older than Yourself Who Get It
  • You need people who are supportive of your efforts, but who have the wisdom to know when you’re being an idiot.
  • They also have a life time of experience to share with the students.
  • I only remember a handful of specific talks from when I was in high school. One of those talks was a leader sharing his testimony. Another was of a married couple sharing their struggles.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Paul Carlson giving a talk one time at the youth group. As he was reading the passage one guy was talking, and Paul went to correct him. Then Paul realized the guy was quoting the passage. Afterwards he went to the guy and apologized and then he said that convicted him to memorize the book as well.
