Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Even More Reasons Our Church Isn't Growing Part 1 (A New Perspective)

This is my response to a blog I wrote back in 2009 about why your ministry may not be growing.

13) Your Church is Clearly Designed For Women

This point was inspired by the book Why Men Hate Going to Church. The reality is I don't know churches are skewed so much towards women. I've heard of some church models which cater more towards women. This isn't a universal thing.

As I look at the different grades in my ministry, some have a girl to guy ratio of 5 to 1.  Others have a girl to guy ratio of 1 to 2.  It has nothing to do with programing. It's just the way it is.

14) You Aren’t Communicating What You’re Doing to Anyone (Especially not the Right People)
This is essential.  Whether you're doing internal communication or external. A holistic communication plan is essential for a successful event.

In student ministry you need to communicate with parents, students, and equip them to invite friends. 

15) You Keep Throwing Events Only Church Kids Will Enjoy
It's not just a matter of throwing events for people besides church kids. It's a matter of doing everything with the mindset that non-churched kids will be there.  

When we do movie nights, we frequently play PG-13 movies.
At our group events, we don't limit at ourselves to playing Christian music when people are coming in.

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