[This is a blog I wrote back in 2009 with some slight adjustments. Tomorrow I will respond to today's post.]
13) Your Church is Clearly Designed For Women
13) Your Church is Clearly Designed For Women
I recently read a book called Why Men Hate Going to Church. It's an interesting read which would explain why some churches are 60% women and 40% men. Men like to be challenged and offered an adventure. What are you offering?
14) You Aren’t Communicating What You’re Doing to Anyone (Especially not the Right People)
It doesn’t matter how great your event is if you don’t tell anyone about it. You need to communicate what you’re doing to people who are energetic about you’re ministry. They’re the ones who will help you make things better and tell every one else about it.
I’ve been a part of a lot of outreach events. Some were filled with church kids, and others drew in the whole community. The big difference was communication.
In the world of evites, Facebook invites and groups, mass email, Twitter, and MySpace, there is simply no reason for not communicating what you’re doing.
Guitar Praise, Battle of the Worship Bands, Veggie Tales night, G-rated movie night…all bad ideas which will only interest church kids. Church kids who if they aren’t going to your church will go to the church down the street.
Less than 20% of Americans go to church. Your best bet is to reach the other 80% with the gospel. Attempting to steal people from other churches by throwing lame church kid events is a terrible idea.
For that matter, church kids only like these kinds of events because that’s all they’ve ever done. As soon as you they start doing normal things, they’ll quickly realize how lame these events are.
16) You Aren’t Paying Attention to Who’s Coming, Returning, and Leaving for Good
For people to stick around, you have to notice them. You have to notice when they come, when they return, and when they’ve disappeared.
These days it’s easier than ever. When they come and visit you ask them a few simple questions. Within days you can be friends on MySpace and Facebook and following them on twitter. If you haven’t seen them in awhile, start up a chat on the internet. It’s non-invasive, but it shows you care.
17) You’re Doing Lots of Things Really Crappy Instead of a Few Things Really Well
If you’re preparing 3 lessons, leading 2 small groups, discipling 3 guys, attending 5 meetings, and planning 4 large events every single week, why would you be surprised if the quality of each of these things is lacking?
Why do 10 things poorly, when you can do a few things really great? You aren’t doing yourself any favors by spreading yourself thin. You’ll burn yourself out doing a bunch of work you’re not proud of.
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