Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Preach Better Sermons Web Conference 2013 - Andy Stanley, Ed Stetzer, and Mark Driscoll

A few weeks back was the Preach Better Sermons online conference. It features a series of interviews with high profile pastors and communicators. Unfortunately I missed most of the event, but I did catch a few high profile communicators.

Here are my notes.


Approach is what makes content interesting 
We're all preaching the same Bible.
We have different approaches


Pastors want to find a statistics which make things seem much worse than they are, and then they want to offer a solution. 
We need a Christian snopes. 
Statistics motivate people, but they don't solve problems 
Be as diligent with your stats as you are with your facts in your sermons

After hearing his interview and his recommendation, I picked up a copy of "Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites...and Other Lies You've Been Told."  It's a great read which I highly recommend for all pastors.


"In Bible college and seminary you can use theological short hand because you're in an academic setting. When you use that same language while preaching without explaining it you lose people. You make them feel stupid" 

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