Thursday, May 9, 2013

Six More Reasons We Aren't Growing (2013 Part II)

Two days ago I posted a blog I wrote in 2009 on "Six Reasons More Reasons We Aren't Growing." This blog is my new perspective on the second three reasons]

10) No One Can Find You in the Real or Cyber World

"Obviously if no one can figure out where you meet, they’re never going to show up at your meeting space.

If you don’t have a website, then you’re stuck in 20th century. People use the internet to find a new church. With so many resources out there, there’s simply no excuse for not putting up a website."

I have nothing really new to add. Your website is the front door to your church.  Make sure it's good, up to date, and that people can discover what they're looking for. .

11) You have more cheese than Limburger and more corn than Nebraska - Suggest by Cody Pope

"Cheesy and corny ideas only appeal to people with cheesy and corny ideas. Everyone else is mortified by it."

I'll make this simple and make a list of cheesy ideas:

  • Christian versions of anything
  • Parodies of secular ideas
  • Anything youth ministry from the 90's
  • Christian music where the lyrics read like a bad Sunday school lesson for a 3rd grader
  • Guys over 40 dressing like they're under 22
  • Adding unnecessary and forced spiritual lessons to games which weren't designed to have a spiritual lesson
  • Replacing wit and cleverness for big broad jokes which involve being loud and obnoxious
12) Your Church Obviously Doesn’t Care About Your Ministry

"Your ministry won’t grow if your church refuses to support it.

I’ve been involved in a church where they literally paid the guy who mowed the lawn more than they paid the student pastor. What does that say about their priorities and concern for the student ministry? Was it any surprise that the student ministry was unusually small compared to the rest of the church?

Do you have adequate funds, communication, and staff to succeed in ministry?"

Once again I have little to add.  If the church leadership won't support you, you will be fighting an up-hill battle in your ministry.

Ministry is extremely difficult in any circumstances. Doing church ministry without the support of the church is a bit like trying to drive your car without gasoline. The results won't be very good.

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