Thursday, May 8, 2014

LINKED POST: Auditing Your Time

One of the most helpful yet frustrating things you can do in ministry (or really, in life) is a time audit. Discovering just how much time you're either wasting or poorly prioritizing is both incredibly helpful and incredibly humbling.

In ministry in particular, you can discover just how much time you're spending on non-essentials that drain your energy. No one gets into pastoral ministry so that they can send countless emails and create flyers but, to have a well run ministry, you need great communication.  It's so easy to drift away from the things which drew us to ministry initially. If you got into ministry in order to help teenagers love Jesus more, and to preach the Word, but you find yourself losing time to do those two things because you're doing too much administrative work, something has gone terribly wrong. If you're not administrative, it will likely take you much longer than it should to do administrative work; Thus it takes up a disproportionate amount of your time.

Discovering the areas that are eating up too much of your time can help you discover where you need to find a volunteer to help you.

Here is a helpful post from Average Youth Ministry, with some helpful resources, which can help you run an audit of your time.

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