Thursday, May 8, 2014

Twenty Negatives You Face in Ministry

From Mark Driscoll's talk at the Gospel Coalition titled "Positives, Negatives, and Neutrals. Watch it there and read his outline here.I was taking notes on Mark Driscoll's talk, and I figured I might as well post my notes here.

20 Kinds of Negatives

01. Success Jealousy Negatives - Jealous they're ministry isn't as successful
02. False Witness Negatives - They lie about you
03. Misinformed Negatives - They have been lied to about you and believed it
04. Personal Dislike Negatives - Dislike you for personal reasons
05. Take-Up-Offense-for-Another-Person Negatives - Mad for someone else
06. Missiological Negatives - Disagree on how to engage the culture
07. Single-Issue Voter Negatives - Focused on a single issue
08. Little World Negatives - Only influenced by a small group of people or ideas
09. Chain of Command Negatives - Want access to the top & ignore chain of command
10. Tradition Negatives - Always opposed to change
11. Unforgiving Negatives - Don't forgive regardless of repentance or apologizes
12. Plank-Speck Negatives - Hypocrites
13. Diotrephes Negatives (3 John 9) - Want to be 
14. Distrust Negatives - Default to distrust you
15. Control Negatives - Believe that control is the same as influence
16. Critic Negatives - Always have something to critique
17. Warrior Negatives - Looking for a fight - Martyr complex - 
18. One-Handed Negatives - Fight over everything (Fundamentalists) or Fight over nothing (liberals)
19. Gossip Negatives - Talk about people not to them
20. Theological Negatives - Disagree theologically

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