Last night, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E! The star of the ratings giant for A&E has been pulled for the foreseeable future.

As soon as the interview became public, GLAAD decided to chime in calling his words "vile," accused him of "lying," and claimed that he did not represent true Christianity (which was interesting because I'm not sure they get to decide what true Christianity is).
Not surprisingly, online media exploded in coverage of the story, and most quickly to point out how offensive his remarks were.
- LA TIMES - Called his words inflammatory
- New York Daily News - Claims he equated homosexuality to bestiality
- Huffington Post ran this title on their front page, "'Duck Dynasty' Star Makes Shockingly Vile Anti-Gay Comments"
- The Radar Online - Implies he's homophobic for stating his preference for women parts over man parts.
In the wake of the brewing controversy, A&E released the following from Phil:
“I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs, and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
This wasn't good enough for Entertainment Weekly, who commented on his remarks as follows:
As backtracking goes, Robertson’s statement isn’t very contrite and seems to contradict his previous statements. He would “never treat anyone with disrespect,” yet just cited scripture to compare gay people to drunkards and prostitutes and adulterers and thieves and said they were locked out of heaven. Which sounds pretty disrespectful, no?
Following the media storm that followed, A&E decided to suspend the patriarch for the time being.
If you step back, what exactly is the controversy? What was unexpected in any of this?
If you step back, what exactly is the controversy? What was unexpected in any of this?
Think About It
What he did say:
- An evangelical Christian stated he believes homosexuality is a sin...not news.
- An evangelical Christian voiced concern about the possibility that cultural acceptance of homosexuality could lead to more things being considered acceptable...not news.
- A heterosexual male stated that he prefers girl parts to boy parts...not news.
- Phil Robertson stated his opinions bluntly and with proper medical terms...not news.
If you don't like his bluntness, that's fair enough. If you disagree with his position, that's fair enough. But the response to his bluntly stated, but not terribly extreme position (unless saying that something is a sin is an extreme position), are pretty shocking in their own right.
A Culture in Transition
This is par for the course when anyone with a national megaphone makes or previously made comments on homosexuality.

There has been a massive pendulum shift in our culture over the last 15 years.

Now the pendulum has swung the opposite direction. If anyone with a national platform doesn't explicitly support the LGBT community, they are labeled as vile, anti-gay, and homophobic. I'm not arguing that we should return to the pre-21st century way of doing things, but it seems the pendulum has swung very far in the opposite direction.
What Phil Didn't Say
Just look at the words being thrown at Phil over his comments, and it's clear people are inserting meaning to his words which he did not actually communicate.
Think about all the things he didn't say...
- I'm afraid of gay he's not homophobic
- I hate gay he's not a bigot
- I'm disgusted by gay he's not really being vile
Here's the Problem
If you completely disagree with Phil for what he said and lose respect for him, that's perfectly reasonable. If you choose, based on his statements, to stop watching the show, you are free to do so. The problem is that our society has shifted so far in one direction that, when any public figure makes a statement against the LGBT community, a mob instantly forms against them.
We aren't talking about individuals expressing their disapproval and their right not to watch. No, these mobs consist of organizations like GLAAD and other media outlets demonizing anyone that disagrees with them.
Within a day of the interview being published, this is a list of things that happened:
- He was labeled vile
- He was labeled a homophobe
- He was labeled a bigot
- He was called not a true Christian
- He was called a liar
- GLAAD rallied to have A&E pull the show
- GLAAD rallied to have the shows ads pulled
- Phil released a statement where he explained he loves all of humanity
- Phil's apology was called contradictory
- A&E pulled Phil from the show
Stop and consider this:

Since that time, he's released three albums, all of which have had the full support of his record label, mainstream pop radio, and MTV. He's been given significant acting roles in multiple films. He's led three well funded national tours. He has performed duets with multiple top level artists, and he has been allowed to perform for millions of people on the VMAs, broadcast on CBS.

Chris Brown, as a grown man, beat a 100 pound girl until she was hospitalized and unconscious. In response, he was given a national platform to continue making millions of dollars.

Since that time, she been given starring roles in indie films and made-for-TV films. For some reason, they allowed her to host SNL this past year. She's had supporting roles on multiple TV shows and major studio films. And, just a few years back, she posed for Playboy (they even delayed a jail sentence so she could make the shoot). At this point in time, she's not famous, she's infamous. But, she keeps getting roles.
Phil Robertson is redneck, and he has never claimed to be more. In his early adult life, he chased women and alcohol. In the many years since, he has strongly denounced his former life, and instead promoted a life pursuing Jesus. Likewise, over the last 40 years, his family business has grown into a multimillion-dollar empire. But Phil hasn't changed. Unlike many others, fame and fortune have no effect on Phil Robertson. He speaks his mind, and he's honest about his beliefs. That's why people like the show, which follows his family. Honesty and blunt language are his trademark.
Recently, he stated that he loved all of humanity, prefers woman parts to men parts, and he believes homosexuality is a sin. In response, he was suspended from his show, and his personal character and integrity were attacked.
Is the one unforgivable sin to the media "intolerance?"*
What do you think?
* And by "intolerance" I mean the new definition of the word, "Not fully accepting"
Here are more thoughts on the controversy:
If you liked this post, here is a previous post I wrote on Duck Dynasty, WHY I LOVE DUCK DYNASTY!
Here are more thoughts on the controversy:
If you liked this post, here is a previous post I wrote on Duck Dynasty, WHY I LOVE DUCK DYNASTY!
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